Tuesday 25 March 2014

Condolences to Friends and Family of MH370

After its disappearance 18 days ago, finally, the family and friends received a little closure on the whereabouts of MH370.

No words can console their hearts. Even when there are no family members on board, I felt this anguish sadness that I can't never describe. Tears flow freely as I read every available article on the press on the discovery. Imagined what would their families felt. Their loved one that they waved goodbye in hopes that is not the final goodbye. A child mourns the lost of her father, a wife anxiously awaits for someone to tell her that the news she heard is untrue, parents bowed their heads, they will never hear their child's voice again.

As I followed every PC, every official statements on the press, my heart just simply aches. I was in tears the whole morning. Just the though of being so helpless. Seeing the MAS' CEO and chairman being rained with almost ridiculous questions at the the recent PC is just so heart wrenching. These are the people that worked tirelessly around the clock, the crew that's a part of the SAR, these people are fathers, sons and brothers to someone, too. Yet they have dedicated their time, they have been taken away from the comforts of their home and family, selflessly, helped looking and helping, in hope of answers.

A tragedy in a way that unites over 200 families. A loss of a loved one. For some, the loss of a family.

To the families and friends of MH370, this is for you:

Want to know how much someone is loved,
Look around the room.
Heads bow,
Overcome with the loss of a loved one,
To pay respect
And unify as one.
Our loved one would want it that way,
Celebrating their life with those they loved most.
Let us recount the joyous times.
Remembering silly moments,
As they made us laugh with effortless delight.
Let tears of joy
Wash away the pain we feel.
We mourn yes,
But we celebrate as well.
Their physical presence is gone,
But memories in our hearts and minds,
Breath life into frames hanging on our walls.
I don't say goodbye,
I say welcome home.

So, world, please. Let the families mourns and grieve in silence. Let them be in peace. Stop playing the blaming game. You never knew what they are going through unless you are experiencing it. Be grateful. Be thankful that you are reading about MH370 and not experiencing the pain that the families are going through nor the SAR crew that are desperately looking for answers or those that are on board that damned plane.

Just keep on praying. Keep on hoping that we will soon find the answers that we all are looking for and closure for the families that will need to go on without their loved ones.

Friday 7 March 2014


I think today's blog title is appropriate.

I will be quoting DS Najib's (Malaysian PM) speeches during the National Economic Summit & Dialogue. It just frustrates and angers me reading them tweets as it flows into my timeline.

"By getting our finances under control, we are investing in the future - of our families, our communities, and our nation." - DS Najib Tun Razak

Are you for real???I am already struggling with multiple long term debts that was necessary at the time to survive. Car loan, study loan. That is already amounting to almost half of my minuscule salary. I am now paying on my own for my business degree and half way through. That has already amounted to almost 3000 per year not inclusive of textbooks and assessment materials. How about we talk about petrol and toll? At the end of the month, what ever that I am earning from this job of mine, is a negative value. And, I've heard that the GOVERNMENT pays RM800mil to toll concessions to avoid the toll hike. Billions more during the subsidy rationalization that could wipe out everyone's study loan with the PTPTN.

Here's another one:

"By strengthening our economy, we are ensuring our country stays on track to reach high-income status." - DS Najib Tun Razak

By how do you mean strengthening the economy? Introducing more taxes? Hikes on everyday necessities? Absurd car prices? The people, are paying more and more. The job market could not offer more pay to us. We will turn out to be a nation of overworked, stressed out people. The GOVERNMENT has mismanaged millions of Ringgit according to the Audit Report last year. 7 investigation papers were dismissed due to lack of information as the departments and Ministries fail / mismanaged their records. NO PAPER TRAILS. High-income? Well, that comes with a higher price it seems.

Another half-wit remark:

"We must tackle corruption, reform subsidies, and introduce GST to make the budget balanced." - DS Najib Tun Razak

Ok, I think I wanna pass out. The introduction of GST will make the GOVERNMENT's budget more BALANCE???? It is not necessary if the GOVERNMENT is more prudent in spending! Targeted subsidies like the BR1M is not working! It is, after all, a waste! Not all poverty-striken rakyat gets the money. Not all of them are registered or are literate enough to apply for the aid. The money should have been used in other ways to help the people. Corruption? It starts from bottom-up. Cleanse the ministries, departments. Am not so sure with the need to reform subsidies, but the introduction of GST is not necessary if YOU can curb the first issue: CORRUPTION!

There were more nonsensical statements in his Twitter that I cannot bear to quote. Pfft!

Thursday 6 March 2014

There is a sickness in the air

I was sick yesterday and on Tuesday..It was horrible. The rising temperatures, the vomiting and the passing out......

Apparently that almost half of the office is unwell. And the symptoms are similar. Fever, vomiting and faint. Went to the clinic nearby home, the doctor just said its normal fever and its the ever changing weather contributes to this. I can't even sleep that night. I was so restless despite of my high body temperature. I was dehydrated and even when I manage to eat or drink something, I would throw up most of it. It was hell!

Yesterday, I took a sick day and sleep in..Mind you, I was awake every two hours or so. I was only truly woke up at around 10 am. Took a shower and had some light breakfast so I can take my meds. Another nap.

Then, I decided that the pantry needs some stocking up. I went to Tesco, which was nearby. While pushing the trolley, I feel that I was about to faint. This is so not good. I grabbed whatever that I needed as fast as I can and race back home. I just lie down for the afternoon.

Water cuts, the dry spell and the haze, is taking its toll on most of the Klang Valley's residents..

Monday 3 March 2014

Prints for the walls

Can anyone gimme some thought on these prints? Am thinking of printing these and put them up on the walls..

These two are for Paris and Rome..there are 2 more for new york and london..all prints will be in A3 sizes and in black and white.


I am thinking of going backpacking to Terengganu's islands (ok, maybe just ONE island)

Isn't it pretty??? I know! A must go.

in plain words, I just need an escape. The city can be so suffocating at times.


The weather is so unpredictable lately here. Yesterday it rained. The day before that, temperatures soar to a low 40 degrees (celsius).

The second move (room furniture) was scheduled last Saturday. There are still stuff that needs to stay in Shah Alam while I figure out when to go and pick up. And its already March! Birthday month is upon me. Turning 27 in 2 plus weeks. Feeling a bit under the weather (coughing and a slight fever at night, otherwise, I am fine). Had my first proper stay home yesterday after the exhausting move. (5 floors up and 4 floors up again, no lifts!)

Let's talk about grudges. I used to hold grudges. Not talking to people for years. Then suddenly I stopped. Not because I forgave them, simply because I deserve peace. People can be mean to me for all that I care. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But, I just let them not get me. I simply smiled. :) 

Its one of my "friend's" birthday today. Well, you can him a friend. Now, he is just someone I used to know. A birthday wish because I remember but the wish is empty. Just a necessity. Its what normal people do, I guess. 

Yesterday, I had this conversation with Faiz on how I don't even give an effort or trying to be a part of people's lives especially to those that do not want me to be in theirs. I have resigned from trying. If they want me to be part of their lives, I should not have to fight for their attention. Faiz agrees. Again, amongst all the stars in the sky, I have to choose the only one that is so similar to me. :) (He always smiles at this remark!)

Fake friends, fake family. Backstabbers. These are the people that are entertaining but exhausting at times. Way too much drama says Faiz. Patience. Treat them like you would treat a misbehaved child, with a smile. So, nowadays, I would just listen to their ramblings and nod. Negative comments about me are just like the wind passing through my hair. I am wary of them and try to improve but I won't give them the satisfaction that they got me.

It's just a bit tiring and trying, don't you think?

And, oh! I promised photos, didn't I? I will provide them soon enough after I have actually finished unpacking (its just plain tiring!)