Monday 3 March 2014


The weather is so unpredictable lately here. Yesterday it rained. The day before that, temperatures soar to a low 40 degrees (celsius).

The second move (room furniture) was scheduled last Saturday. There are still stuff that needs to stay in Shah Alam while I figure out when to go and pick up. And its already March! Birthday month is upon me. Turning 27 in 2 plus weeks. Feeling a bit under the weather (coughing and a slight fever at night, otherwise, I am fine). Had my first proper stay home yesterday after the exhausting move. (5 floors up and 4 floors up again, no lifts!)

Let's talk about grudges. I used to hold grudges. Not talking to people for years. Then suddenly I stopped. Not because I forgave them, simply because I deserve peace. People can be mean to me for all that I care. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But, I just let them not get me. I simply smiled. :) 

Its one of my "friend's" birthday today. Well, you can him a friend. Now, he is just someone I used to know. A birthday wish because I remember but the wish is empty. Just a necessity. Its what normal people do, I guess. 

Yesterday, I had this conversation with Faiz on how I don't even give an effort or trying to be a part of people's lives especially to those that do not want me to be in theirs. I have resigned from trying. If they want me to be part of their lives, I should not have to fight for their attention. Faiz agrees. Again, amongst all the stars in the sky, I have to choose the only one that is so similar to me. :) (He always smiles at this remark!)

Fake friends, fake family. Backstabbers. These are the people that are entertaining but exhausting at times. Way too much drama says Faiz. Patience. Treat them like you would treat a misbehaved child, with a smile. So, nowadays, I would just listen to their ramblings and nod. Negative comments about me are just like the wind passing through my hair. I am wary of them and try to improve but I won't give them the satisfaction that they got me.

It's just a bit tiring and trying, don't you think?

And, oh! I promised photos, didn't I? I will provide them soon enough after I have actually finished unpacking (its just plain tiring!)

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