Sunday 16 February 2014

Weekend Entry

Sometimes people's reactions towards a situation just baffles me. My mind is blown away reading people's text, people's comments on social media, tweets, and just hearing to their responses during conversations.

I understand rejection, I've experienced it. I understand disappointment, I've gone through it. I understand anger and frustration, I've gone through that. What baffles me is how we react towards these emotions and people's behaviors towards us. Some may take it cool. Some may take on it head-on. Some may respond to them in a way that is just plain different.

Yesterday, I had the privilege  of reading through some texts that was send to Faiz. From one of his admirers, I think. It was full of swear words, anger, disappointment. I've read through and I wish to understand what this 21-year old is thinking. What drives her to say those words? What made her do the things she did and if I was any different when I handled the same

I understand te pain, the humiliation. But, I didn't reacted that way. Instead, I crawled into a ball and cried my heart out. I went running until my legs gave away. I sang to songs at the top of my lungs. I prayed harder so that I am given strength to forget the ordeal. I moved on. I went back to where I belonged. Of course there are times that I texted him asking for him to take me back. Begging would be the more accurate word. But,when I looked back, I am thankful that I am not by his side. I am better this way. But I did not sent any of those nasty texts. Even when he did say mean words about me in his blog. I did not retaliate. At least not in that way. I just simply moved on.

There are still fishes in the sea, starts in the sky.

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